Dr Kobus van der Walt



What is a psychiatrist?
A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that has received additional training as specialist in the field of psychiatry. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders. As part of the clinical assessment process, psychiatrists may employ a mental status examination, a physical examination, brain imaging such as a CT or MRI scan, and blood tests. Psychiatrists can prescribed medication, offer psychotherapy, or refer to other healthcare professionals.
How can we help you?

You should consider seeing a psychiatrist in the following circumstances:

  • When you experience symptoms such as anxiety, sadness, or insomnia that is preventing you from functioning well in relationships and at work.
  • When you have been diagnosed with a mental illness by a healthcare professional and want confirmation of the diagnosis and treatment.
  • When you have been advised to be admitted to a hospital due to mental distress.
  • When you have frequent thoughts of hopelessness, thoughts of death, and suicide.
  • When you experience difficulty with your memory and concentration and struggle to cope with activities of daily living.
  • When you have been exposed to significant trauma and struggle to make sense of it.
  • When you have tried using non-medical means of treating a mental illness and have not responded well and continue to experience distress and impairment.
What can I expect?

On arrival for your first consultation our receptionist will ask you to complete a form with your personal information and medical and psychiatric history. The duration of the initial consultation with the psychiatrist is generally 90 minutes. In this consultation information will be gathered about your symptoms, past psychiatric and medical history, and significant life events. It may be useful to bring a summary of your health history, including previous illnesses, treatments, previous psychiatric medication prescribed and response to treatment, and previous hospital admissions. During this initial meeting the psychiatrist will make a tentative diagnosis and offer information about treatment options. The treatment plan will be based on shared decision-making, respecting your wishes and values.

The duration of subsequent consultations with the psychiatrist may be 15-60 minutes, depending on your needs. During these follow-up consultations the focus may be on ongoing assessment of your symptoms and recovery, assessment of your response to treatment, and addressing relevant factors that affect your mental health.


Telephonic resources:
Red Cross/Tygerberg Poison Centre:
0861 555 777

Suicide Crisis Line
0800 567 567 or SMS 31393

SA Depression Group
0800 20 50 26

Destiny Helpline for Youth & Students
0800 456 789

SA Depression and Anxiety Group
0800 12 13 14 or SMS 32312 (24h)

SADAG Mental Health Crisis Line
011 234 4837

Information on Helderberg Clinic:

Patient care and health information resources:
Mental Health Disorder Treatment Guidelines and Consumer Guides

Mayo Clinic Patient Information:


Addiction resources
National Responsible Gambling Programme:

Substance abuse treatment centres:

Dementia resources
Alzheimer’s South Africa:

Dementia South Africa:

Medication resources
South African medicine price registry:

South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport:

Mental health resources
The Mental Health Information Centre of Southern Africa:

The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG):

The South African Federation for Mental Health:

The Mental Health Care Act:

Psychotherapy resources
Find a therapist:

Therapy Route:

Schedule your appointment today.


Mondays – Thursdays: 8:00-17:00
Fridays: 8:00-13:00
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed